Knowledge is Power, Especially When It Comes to Money
Understanding family attitudes towards money may improve financial decisions and reduce financial stress. People inherit more from their parents and grandparents than big feet, eye color, self-discipline, a passion for […]
Is Your Insurance Santa Proof?
The season isn’t complete until you’ve watched your favorite holiday movie, right? Let’s have a little fun this holiday season and imagine how an insurance company might handle a few […]
Trick or Treat Times for Your Neighborhood 2022 NW Ohio & SE Michigan
Halloween trick-or-treat schedule for your neighborhood There are plenty of opportunities for trick-or-treating around the area. To help you with your planning, here’s a list of Trick-or-Treat dates and times for […]
Top 6 Retirement Planning Tips For Your Mid-60s and Beyond
Are you planning to take up new hobbies, relax at home, watch TV or participate in volunteer activities? Then you ought to have eight times your salary saved by the […]
Why Medicare Should Be Part of Your Retirement Strategy
Medicare takes a little time to understand. As you approach age 65, familiarize yourself with its coverage options, costs, and limitations. Certain features of Medicare can affect health care costs […]
How Will Working Affect Social Security Benefits?
In a recent survey, 70% of current workers stated they plan to work for pay after retiring.1 And that possibility raises an interesting question: how will working affect Social Security […]
Take Lump Sum or Annuity Lottery Payout?
Mega Millions Jackpot Soars to $1.025 Billion. When you win the big jackpot, you have two different payment options: Lump Sum or Annuity Payout. Lump Sum: Lottery winners who consider […]
Important Birthdays Over 50
Most children stop being “and-a-half” somewhere around age 12. Kids add “and-a-half“ to make sure everyone knows they’re closer to the next age than the last. When you are older, […]
The Importance of Assessing Your Life Insurance Needs
If your family relies on your income, it’s critical to consider having enough life insurance to provide for them after you pass away. But too often, life insurance is an […]
9 Facts About Retirement
Retirement can have many meanings. For some, it will be a time to travel and spend time with family members. For others, it will be a time to start a […]